Monday, August 9, 2010


It's been a long time.
Today, the high schoolers started school.

and oh my god, I realized that I am not in high school anymore. Half of my friends already moved and out and is settling into their dorms and apartments.

I am just thinking that this is just so surreal! This is like the beginning of almost anytime in my life.
My school starts on the 23th, fingers cross that I will meet alot of new interesting people. I know I will. I am just so excited and nervous for the next phrase in life, you know.

I am reading EAT, PRAY, LOVE. I am liking the book. I guess it just makes me realize that okay, I definitely don't want be in my 30s and feel like I have done nothing in my entire life that I am so proud of. I don't want to live a regret life. I really really really don't. I think that is just one thing that I am so afraid of.


I started looking up trips. I know I going to do this trip. It is a EF college break trip. The trips are not so pricey. I think it is pretty reasonable if not expensive.

I make it my goal for me to take at least 2-3 of those trips during my college years. I want to gain life experience. I want to be able to look back into my life and tell my kids later on of all these places I have been to.

I just feel like I need to explore and discover what the world is like out there.
One problem, I am afraid of traveling alone. In end, however, I would be able to go to these places all alone.

I want to take a grand tour of Europe. I want to see all these cities. Maybe if I fall in love with one of them I can return someday, you know.

But I am young! I have responsibilities but it's not like I have a montage to pay and 3 kids to take care of. So, when I am still young and at my prime. This is my goal. I want to look back and be like "Damn, I lived a full life." I don't want to be like "Damn, all did all the years go."

I am ready for life to begin.
I am ready to take chances.

Life is a trip and it is how you make of the trip.

So help me Buddha, give me the strength to do this.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

it's been a long long time!

well, right now i am on a diet.
this low carb diet thingy.

lost 6 pounds and feeling great :)
i think if i lost 15 altogether i'll be good to go for summer.

i will start work on the 19. i will be working 5 days a week.
god, save me. ahahhah but i'll be fine.

i'm sure you guys saw prom pictures on my facebook but if you haven't...

the whole group together.

the girls.

my date, a sweet sweet guy.
he's like my brother.

so yeah. ahahahahha good time good times.


it was horrible. i screwed up this guy's name.
i was like welcome robert... mc...mcclure.
yeah but it was an experience to speak at graduation.
i'm on the right btw~

i think i'll post up more pictures later?!
but yeah.

lollllll i love you guys

Friday, May 14, 2010

i feel so lonely.

i don't know.

i feel very lonely at this moment.
i feel like crying.

this is the saddest feeling i've felt in a long time.

i just want to say that.
i'm so angry.
i'm just so angry at this point.


and it's almost 3 in the morning.
i don't know what is wrong with me.

what am i suppose to do to stop this feeling.
the feeling of feeling complete only when someone surround me.

it's so ridiculous.

i'm sorry.
i'm so angry and i'm angry to the point i don't know which spot to pin point on why am i so angry.

how do i calm down this feeling?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What do you want to do before you die?

I have been watching this show called "The Buried Life" on MTV. Okay, I know what you guys are thinking.. MTV, must be pretty.... stupid. I absolutely love this show. I love it, and it is honestly so inspiriting. If you guys have not heard of it, it is about a group of four guys: Ben (ringleader), Dave (crazy one), Duncan (trouble), and Jonnie (Idea guy). No, I don't just watch it because they're very charming and cute. They all are; however, Jonnie is my favorite.

They are from Canada. This is a documentary they're doing. They made a bucket list of all the things they would like to do before they die. With every goal the guys cross off on their list, they help someone achieve their goal. They travel from state to state asking people, 'what do you want to do before you die.' I understand the reason why the boys named the show "The Buried Life." We all are living the buried life. Their introduce to the show goes like this, "If you have one day to live, what would you do? Climb a mountain? Kiss the girl of your dream? Would you tell someone how you really feel? Now if you have a whole lifetime to live, would you lose that drive or do your list keep getting longer?" We are living the buried life. Why must we wait until death is close to us to do what we wanted to do? Live your life to the fullest is what most people tell you to do. But does anyone who actually does it?

This is not a rant. I just want to tell you how inspire I am. I am inspire to not wait till I am dying to do what I wanted. This is my life. Before I die, I want to do so much. This blog entry is the start of my bucket list. The things I would like to do the most before I die. Hopefully, over the years I will be able to cross off some goals and add new ones. So here we go, the beginning of everything.

What I want to do before I die:
  1. Graduate from High School
  2. Teach English in another country (hopefully Japan)
  3. Join the Peace Corp.
  4. Step foot on all of the 7 continents.
  5. Major in what I love to do in college.
  6. Study abroad.
  7. Write and publish a book.
  8. Fall in love

  9. And so I leave at number 9. I hope in the near future I will be able to cross out some of these goals.

I just want you to ask yourself, what do I want to do before I die? Nothing is impossible. You will be surprise of what you can achieve. Let's end this buried life together.

Peace, Love, and lol.


Monday, March 29, 2010

i am alive.

okay, so i haven't been able to blog in a long time. actually... i just haven't been blogging at all.
well, let's see. i have a test in anatomy tomorrow. playing test thursday and haven't practice yet. and my art piece is due thurs.

just shoot me?

i decided to go to Georgia State University.
and i will be living at home (main reason why i am going there because it's downtown.)

i went shopping. alot. but i am too lazy to put up pics of clothes.
i also went on a SKI trip with my friends. that too.. the pictures will be up later?

well. i will tell you guys what is up.
my relationship with ben right now is non-existence.

my friends were on me about asking him to prom.
and they were disappointed to hear that he asked someone else from another school.

oh yes, i was bitter. but it's okay now. i avoided him for a few days just to get over it.
and now i am all better.

and i got a date, he goes to another school :) so it's all good.

and i have some pictures to share with you guys.
i went to the park on Saturday with Katelyn, Brea and Anelise.

it was such a nice day and it was lovely.
took some great photos that i am happy with :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

okay okay FASHION!

helloooooo my loves :) i am going back to school tomorrow. i feel like a bum and i look like a bum.

have you guys ever read that manga switch girl? somehow i seriously and honestly feel like that switch girl. i have been working, reading, watching project runway, watching movies... and some other weird stuff.... and i try my best to fit hanging out with my friends in between. i can tell alot are not so happy or please with me because i don't "make enough time for them" or "i ditched them".

but whichever, i just needed time alone to think and everything.... ahahahahah.. i finally caught up watching project runway season 6 online. i hated that season. i did not see anything that i awesomely loveeeee. so i got bored. season 5 i never finished so i watched it and there's this really cute designer i love ahahahha.

he's the one on the left. but i knewww in the back of my head that he is gay. and indeed he is GAY. that's his boyfriend need to him btw. ahahahha t____t


when i took the picture i forgot to put on the belt forthe skirt so it looks a little off. but it's a boring outfit i guess. ahahahah wore some pearl darling earrings to match it.

i got these dresses a long time ago i cannot wait for it to be warmer outside to actually start wearing it ahahahha. i was cleaning out my closet so if i want to wear something i will be able to find it alot faster than normally. how unorganized i am....

i bought this dress a long time ago. and i wore it only a few times. it's such such a lovely dress. i am not a very colorful person. i like to stick to cool colors like blue and purple. it's very flow-y ahahahha. but i love this dress i would love to wear this on a day out but it's so low cut that i don't want to most of the time. ahahahah

bought this one for..... umm.. 7.99 at f21 what a deal. i never had a flower print dress before and it's such a nice dress. i can't wait to wear it in the summer once i lose some weight too. ahahahha

i am so bad with colors. that's why closet is fill with dark colors. and i think i really need to work on that. i have alot of black and white. so it will be my goal. to get more colors into my closet. perhaps for this upcoming months i will not and i repeat i will not buy stuff that are black or white :) or gray... ahahahhaah

i want a pair of oxford heels. but i can't find a good pair any where. i want to a pair so bad. since i am a short person standing at only 5 feet i need comfortable heels that i can wear like shoes :)

so if you know any places to get oxfords that would be great!!!

and so i will end it here....

bye bye!
