Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What do you want to do before you die?

I have been watching this show called "The Buried Life" on MTV. Okay, I know what you guys are thinking.. MTV, must be pretty.... stupid. I absolutely love this show. I love it, and it is honestly so inspiriting. If you guys have not heard of it, it is about a group of four guys: Ben (ringleader), Dave (crazy one), Duncan (trouble), and Jonnie (Idea guy). No, I don't just watch it because they're very charming and cute. They all are; however, Jonnie is my favorite.

They are from Canada. This is a documentary they're doing. They made a bucket list of all the things they would like to do before they die. With every goal the guys cross off on their list, they help someone achieve their goal. They travel from state to state asking people, 'what do you want to do before you die.' I understand the reason why the boys named the show "The Buried Life." We all are living the buried life. Their introduce to the show goes like this, "If you have one day to live, what would you do? Climb a mountain? Kiss the girl of your dream? Would you tell someone how you really feel? Now if you have a whole lifetime to live, would you lose that drive or do your list keep getting longer?" We are living the buried life. Why must we wait until death is close to us to do what we wanted to do? Live your life to the fullest is what most people tell you to do. But does anyone who actually does it?

This is not a rant. I just want to tell you how inspire I am. I am inspire to not wait till I am dying to do what I wanted. This is my life. Before I die, I want to do so much. This blog entry is the start of my bucket list. The things I would like to do the most before I die. Hopefully, over the years I will be able to cross off some goals and add new ones. So here we go, the beginning of everything.

What I want to do before I die:
  1. Graduate from High School
  2. Teach English in another country (hopefully Japan)
  3. Join the Peace Corp.
  4. Step foot on all of the 7 continents.
  5. Major in what I love to do in college.
  6. Study abroad.
  7. Write and publish a book.
  8. Fall in love

  9. And so I leave at number 9. I hope in the near future I will be able to cross out some of these goals.

I just want you to ask yourself, what do I want to do before I die? Nothing is impossible. You will be surprise of what you can achieve. Let's end this buried life together.

Peace, Love, and lol.
