Monday, August 9, 2010


It's been a long time.
Today, the high schoolers started school.

and oh my god, I realized that I am not in high school anymore. Half of my friends already moved and out and is settling into their dorms and apartments.

I am just thinking that this is just so surreal! This is like the beginning of almost anytime in my life.
My school starts on the 23th, fingers cross that I will meet alot of new interesting people. I know I will. I am just so excited and nervous for the next phrase in life, you know.

I am reading EAT, PRAY, LOVE. I am liking the book. I guess it just makes me realize that okay, I definitely don't want be in my 30s and feel like I have done nothing in my entire life that I am so proud of. I don't want to live a regret life. I really really really don't. I think that is just one thing that I am so afraid of.


I started looking up trips. I know I going to do this trip. It is a EF college break trip. The trips are not so pricey. I think it is pretty reasonable if not expensive.

I make it my goal for me to take at least 2-3 of those trips during my college years. I want to gain life experience. I want to be able to look back into my life and tell my kids later on of all these places I have been to.

I just feel like I need to explore and discover what the world is like out there.
One problem, I am afraid of traveling alone. In end, however, I would be able to go to these places all alone.

I want to take a grand tour of Europe. I want to see all these cities. Maybe if I fall in love with one of them I can return someday, you know.

But I am young! I have responsibilities but it's not like I have a montage to pay and 3 kids to take care of. So, when I am still young and at my prime. This is my goal. I want to look back and be like "Damn, I lived a full life." I don't want to be like "Damn, all did all the years go."

I am ready for life to begin.
I am ready to take chances.

Life is a trip and it is how you make of the trip.

So help me Buddha, give me the strength to do this.

1 comment:

  1. Trangie, babe, I love your ideas. I would love to travel too! I love to travel alone but I hate to visit special places alone. I like sitting on the plane alone...the bus alone...the train alone...but if I'm witnessing a magnificent building or piece of art, I want to have someone there with me to enjoy it too. I want to do a random crazy trip. Wanna go to vagas? lol JK

    I'd love to have stories to tell my kids of places I've been to and things I've accomplished. I can picture myself now telling my kids of all the internet kids I've pwned LOL jk jk that's sad. I'll avoid such scenes haaha
